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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)


Andrew Stewart
Andrew Stewart

Guestbook Admin Errors.rar

I recently had to create a Guest Book application for our local Tourism website. Googling a decent code sample didn't yield much so I created it from scratch. I'm making the code available at the bottom of this post. In an effort to keep things simple, I am leaving out the back-end administration since it basically uses the same database table. It also means that I do not have to walk through the membership sytem at this time. If I get requests, I may create another post on the admin part and update the code sample accordingly.

guestbook admin errors.rar

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See: -archetype-springboot-application)377: remote -> com.github.freshconnect:yogurtcat-archetype (yogurtcat project)378: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:avro-project-archetype (Avro project archetype)379: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:base-project-archetype (Avro project archetype)380: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:kafka-project-archetype (Avro and Kafka project archetype)381: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:plt-graphql-project-archetype (Platform project archetype to generate GraphQL using -java-generator/graphql-maven-plugin-project)382: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:plt-kafka-project-archetype (Kafka Platform project archetype)383: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:plt-spark-project-archetype (Spark Platform project archetype)384: remote -> com.github.frtu.archetype:proto-project-archetype (Proto project archetype)385: remote -> com.github.galatearaj:fuse-archetype (A sample archetype for Galatea projects)386: remote -> com.github.gantsign.maven.archetypes:java-application-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for building Java applications)387: remote -> com.github.gantsign.maven.archetypes:java-library-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for building Java libraries)388: remote -> com.github.gantsign.maven.archetypes:kotlin-application-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for building Kotlin applications)389: remote -> com.github.gantsign.maven.archetypes:kotlin-library-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for building Kotlin libraries)390: remote -> com.github.genthaler:ant-maven-plugin-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate an Ant-based Maven Plugin)391: remote -> com.github.genthaler:beanshell-maven-plugin-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate an Beanshell-based Maven Plugin)392: remote -> com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-archetype (-)393: remote -> com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-errai-archetype (A GWT Material Errai Archetype that provides easy creation of gwt-material projects with Errai Framework)394: remote -> com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-pwa-archetype (-)395: remote -> com.github.h0ru5.gwt:angulargwt-app-archetype (Archetype for Webapps using AngularGWT incl. example controller and scope)396: remote -> com.github.h0ru5.gwt:angulargwt-module-archetype (Archetype for an AngularGwt Module with example service)397: remote -> com.github.happyfaces:happyfaces-archetype (Description)398: remote -> com.github.hc621311:maven-archetype-plugin (HC :: maven archetype :: plugin)399: remote -> com.github.hemantsonu20:github-workflow-java-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate a java based project with configured github workflow)400: remote -> com.github.hey-johnnypark:spring-boot-kafka-archetype (A Maven Archetype for an example spring boot application with spring-kafka)401: remote -> com.github.igor-petruk.archetypes:maven-archetype-executable (Executable Quickstart Archetype that is ready to run with 'java -jar')402: remote -> com.github.igor-petruk.archetypes:maven-archetype-scala-executable (Creates executable Scala Project that is ready to run with 'java -jar')403: remote -> com.github.igor-suhorukov:daemon-archetype (Daemon-archetype can generate project structure to package your application as daemon or standalone executable app)404: remote -> com.github.invictum:invictum-junit-archetype (Archetype for simple project with jUnit style automated tests. Based on Serenity BDD project.)405: remote -> (Archetype to quickstart your way to Cucumber BrowserStack Parallel IVV Testing)406: remote -> com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect:kafka-connect-quickstart (A quickstart for building Kafka Connect connectors.)407: remote -> com.github.jobop:anylogspi-archetype (-)408: remote -> com.github.jobservice:worker-batch-archetype (-)409: remote -> com.github.jorge2m:testmaker-archetype (-)410: remote -> com.github.jorge2m:testmaker-archetype-pageobj (-)411: remote -> com.github.jpaoletti:jpm-archetype (Archetype for a jpm-struts1-bootstrap project)412: remote -> com.github.jsdevel:testng-selenium-archetype (Quickly get up and running with testng-selenium.)413: remote -> com.github.karlnicholas:javaee-security-quickstart-archetype (Java EE MVC quickstart with form based security and user self-registration pages.)414: remote -> com.github.katari:k2-archetype-application (-)415: remote -> com.github.katari:k2-archetype-module (-)416: remote -> com.github.kentyeh:springJdbiArch (Spring and JDBI web archetype)417: remote -> com.github.kevbradwick:cucumber-selenium-archetype (A Maven archetype for creating a Cucumber project with Selenium support)418: remote -> com.github.kospiotr:gwt-clean-app-archetype (-)419: remote -> com.github.kospiotr:gwt-clean-sdv-app-archetype (-)420: remote -> com.github.kospiotr:gwt-gxt-clean-sdv-app-archetype (-)421: remote -> com.github.lalyos:standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype (StandAlone (j2se) jpa project with eclipseLink implementations using embedded DerbiDB)422: remote -> com.github.lucarosellini:alexa-custom-skill-archetype (Maven artifact used to scaffold a new Alexa Custom Skill lambda function using the Java SDK)423: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-batch-archetype (Archetype project for Macchinetta Batch Framework (2.x))424: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-multi-web-blank-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))425: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-multi-web-blank-thymeleaf-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))426: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-archetype (Web Blank Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))427: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-archetype (Web Blank Project (No O/R Mapper) using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))428: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-thymeleaf-archetype (Web Blank Project (No O/R Mapper) using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))429: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-thymeleaf-archetype (Web Blank Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))430: remote -> com.github.manolo:gwt-pwa-archetype (GWT-2.8.1 project with Polymer and PWA service worker)431: remote -> com.github.manolo:gwt-webappcreator-archetype (GWT project based on webappcreator demo template)432: remote -> com.github.markusbernhardt:robotframework-archetype-annotationlibrary (Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite)433: remote -> com.github.markusbernhardt:robotframework-archetype-quickstart (Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite)434: remote -> com.github.markusbernhardt:robotframework-archetype-selenium2library (Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite)435: remote -> com.github.mcac0006:jboss-eap6-enterprise-archetype (A useful Maven Archetype which generates a vanilla, out-of-the-box EAR package bundle, ready for use on JBoss EAp 6.4)436: remote -> com.github.mhshams:kotlin-quickstart-archetype (Kotlin Quick Start Archetype)437: remote -> com.github.mkolisnyk:aerial-cucumber-junit-archetype (-)438: remote -> com.github.mkolisnyk:aerial-cucumber-testng-archetype (-)439: remote -> com.github.mkspcd:simple-webapp (The bare minimum for a functional webapp.)440: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-angularjs (-)441: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-intellij (-)442: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-jbake (-)443: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-single (-)444: remote -> com.github.mozhumz:springboot-archetype (-)445: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-accountservice (MicroNet Reference Account Service)446: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-activemq (MicroNet Containerized ActiveMQ Message Broker)447: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-couchbase (Docker Container Archetype to use Couchbase with MicroNet)448: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-database (MicroNet Database Component to Access PostgreSQL)449: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-gatewayservice (MicroNet API Gateway Service Archetype)450: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-playerservice (MicroNet Example Player Service to Manage Player Scores.)451: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-roundservice (Round service which periodically broadcasts new round events)452: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-simpleservice (A simple MicroNet Service Archetype)453: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-testclient (Test Client for the MicroNet Sample Game)454: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-voteservice (Archetype for the VoteService that processes player guesses)455: remote -> com.github.mwmahlberg.speedy:speedy-archetype (Archetype for creating Web Applications with the Speedy Web Application Framework)456: remote -> com.github.nalukit.archetype:modular-springboot-webapp (The GWT WebAppCreator's sample (using GWT-RPC), modularized.)457: remote -> com.github.netyjq:spring-boot-archetype (help to quickly build efficient, code-clean and stable 'spring-boot' projects.)458: remote -> com.github.ngeor:archetype-quickstart-jdk8 (A Maven archetype for a simple Java app, updated for Java 8)459: remote -> com.github.noraui:noraui-archetype (Maven archetype for use a NORA-UI project)460: remote -> com.github.pandafw:panda-archtype-webapp (An archetype which contains a sample Panda Webapp project.)461: remote -> com.github.piotr-kalanski:kafka-streams-app-archetype (-)462: remote -> com.github.piotr-kalanski.kafka:kafka-streams-app-archetype (-)463: remote -> com.github.privaliatech:gingerspec-starter (A maven archetype for creating new automation projects based on gingerspec library.)464: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:apigatewayandauthentication (Maven Archtypes for API Gateway and Authentication Sevices)465: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:basicinfrastructureandusermanagement (Maven Archtypes for API Gateway, Authentication and Discovery Sevices)466: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:fullinfrastructure (Maven Archtypes for Service Templates)467: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:gatewayauthenticationanddiscovery (Maven Archtypes for API Gateway, Authentication and Discovery Sevices)468: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:servicetemplate (Maven Archtypes for Service Templates)469: remote -> com.github.rebue.archetype:rebue-archetype (??Spring CLoud?????????archetype)470: remote -> com.github.reflect-framework.example:reflect-for-vaadin14-archetype (-)471: remote -> com.github.rutledgepaulv:maven-archetype (A maven archetype for com.github.rutledgepaulv projects.)472: remote -> com.github.searls:jasmine-archetype (An archetype to get started with JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine.)473: remote -> com.github.sergiomartins8:ui-automation-bootstrap (A template for selenium based ui automation projects using selenide)474: remote -> com.github.shalk:archetype-quickstart-jdk8 (archetype for a simple Java app with common dependency)475: remote -> com.github.sparkmuse:vaadin-archetype-springboot-application (This archetype generates a Vaadin + Springboot application.)476: remote -> com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-archetype (A Maven archetype for SpotBugs plugin project)477: remote -> com.github.stefnotch:javaee-archetype (JavaEE 11 Archetype.)478: remote -> com.github.supermanhub:spring-boot-quick-start-archetype (A famous modern and lightweight architecture based on spring Framework, Boot, Security, Data JPA, HATEOAS, Thymeleaf, WebJars, TDD, RESTful API and so on, which helps you and your team to build web applications or web services quickly and easily.)479: remote -> com.github.tcnh:fitnesse-project (Project to create a Maven archetype that can be used to generate a FitNesse project based on hsac-fitnesse-fixtures extended with bootstrap-plus and allure)480: remote -> com.github.toobrien:aws-lambda-s3-example (Template for an AWS Lambda function, demonstratinguse of S3 module and POJO return type.)481: remote -> com.github.vaadin4qbanos:jsclipboard (JSClipboard Add-on)482: remote -> com.github.venkatramanm.swf-all:swf-archetype (Archetype to create apps using SWF)483: remote -> com.github.venkatramanm.swf-all:swf-plugin-archetype (Archetype to create plugins for SWF)484: remote -> com.github.webdriverextensions:webdriverextensions-archetype-quickstart (Use this archetype to create a new Page Object Pattern based WebDriver Extension project.)485: remote -> com.github.wisebrains.archetypes:gatein-rest-resource-archetype (A Maven archetype to generate sample Restful GateIn resource)486: remote -> com.github.wjhstd:code-ssm-archetype (code-ssm Maven Webapp)487: remote -> com.github.workerframework:worker-archetype (-)488: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-quickstart (Java Quickstart)489: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-spring-boot (Spring Boot Quickstart)490: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-webapp (Java Webapp Quickstart)491: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-webapp-2x (Java Webapp 2.x Quickstart)492: remote -> com.github.yhl452493373:webmodule (Web Module project for Spring Boot.Depended on code-generator)493: remote -> com.github.yihaijun:sfip-app-archetype (Create module archetype For SFIP(Service Fast Integration Platform))494: remote -> com.github.zavier:module-project-archetype (module project archetype)495: remote -> com.gluonhq:client-archetype-java (-)496: remote -> com.gluonhq:client-archetype-javafx (-)497: remote -> com.gluonhq:client-archetype-mobile (-)498: remote -> (A basic Java application with Google App Engine flexible.)499: remote -> (A skeleton application with Google App Engine)500: remote -> (A basic Java application with Google App Engine Standard)501: remote -> (A skeleton project using Cloud Endpoints Frameworks with Google App Engine Standard)502: remote -> (A guestbook application with Google App Engine)503: remote -> (A simple starter application using Cloud Endpoints Frameworks with Google App Engine Standard)504: remote -> (Archetype with a README about Google App Engine archetypes)505: remote -> (-)506: remote -> (Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of ApacheBeam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflowservice. This archetype creates a project containing all the examplepipelines.)507: remote -> (Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of ApacheBeam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflowservice. This archetype creates a project containing all the examplepipelines targeting Java 8.)508: remote -> (Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of ApacheBeam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflowservice. This archetype creates a simple starter pipeline to get startedusing the Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java.)509: remote -> (a sample archetype that creates a project with a PL/SQL package inside and extends the parent project)510: remote -> (preconfigured PL/SQL project)511: remote -> (preconfigured PL/SQL webapp)512: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Gerrit Plugins)513: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Gerrit Web UI GWT Plugins)514: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Gerrit Web UI JavaScript Plugins)515: remote -> (-)516: remote -> (-)517: remote -> com.googlecode.apparat:apparat-archetype-asm (-)518: remote -> com.googlecode.apparat:apparat-archetype-tdsi (-)519: remote -> com.googlecode.etl-unit:etlunit-feature-archetype (-)520: remote -> com.googlecode.etl-unit:etlunit-project-archetype (-)521: remote -> com.googlecode.gwtquery:gquery-archetype (This archetype generates a GWT project with all set to use GwtQuery and its plugins.)522: remote -> com.googlecode.gwtquery:gquery-plugin-archetype (This archetype generates a maven/eclipse project with all set for creating a new GwtQuery Plugin)523: remote -> com.googlecode.jannocessor:jannocessor-sample-archetype (Multi-module sample project for annotation-driven source code generation with JAnnocessor)524: remote -> com.googlecode.jdbc-proc:jdbc-proc-archetype (Creates simple project with jdbc-proc support)525: remote -> com.googlecode.metridoc:metridoc-archetype (-)526: remote -> com.googlecode.mycontainer:mycontainer-gae-archetype (-)527: remote -> com.googlecode.playn:playn-archetype (Archetype for PlayN game projects.)528: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:graphaware-runtime-module-maven-archetype (-)529: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:graphaware-springmvc-maven-archetype (-)530: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:neo4j-graphaware-runtime-module-maven-archetype (-)531: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:neo4j-springmvc-maven-archetype (-)532: remote -> com.gwidgets.maven:gwt-simple (simple gwt project archetype with the net.ltgt plugin)533: remote -> com.gwidgets.maven:gwt-simple-mojo-plugin (simple gwt project archetype with mojo plugin)534: remote -> com.gwidgets.maven:spring-boot-gwt (A maven archetype that integrates GWT into a Spring Boot Application)535: remote -> com.hackerrank.archetypes:sp


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